Friday, April 11, 2008


Usually when someone is asked the question "Who are you?", they will tell you your name. Who? Who is but the form following the function of what and what they were asked was actually what kind of person they are. Not many can answer this. Simply because they don't know what kind of person they are. Thus, making the question of "Who?" void and irrelevant to a certain extent.

Who am I then? I'm a heartless vainglorious narcissistic selfish arrogant pompous 17 year old male jerk that goes by the name of Ahmad Al-Arfan but you may in lieu of the more commonplace sobriquet call me Afan.

There you have it. That is why I don't like to get to know many people. They don't answer correctly. =/

Auspicious and providentially for me though, I have the sui generis ability to expose who or more specifically what kind of person a particular person is. It's not actually that hard. Even only a mere glance would suffice. The old saying goes "Never judge a book by its cover." Actually, you should. A good book wouldn't have a crappy cover. A good cover usually means a good book.
Very rarely there would be an absolute fake. This case can't be helped unless you're me.

Over the years I've found out that I can describe almost 98% of the world's population with only 2 words. Try asking me who a certain he or she is. The reply would be "An idiot."

I'm done.

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