Saturday, April 19, 2008

Being a narcissist is hard.

Every single even minor and usually unnoticeable things can irk and make me cringe. To fake smiles all the time, to laugh, to look down on, to humiliate, to mock and to scoff at others takes a lot of work.

There are two possible solutions. Everyone, be at the same level as me, be better, be... perfect. Wait. I'm just going to smack my forehead now. Scratch that idea. That's actually impossible. Not the be perfect part if you know what I'm talking about.

Anyways, the other possibility is me, stop being a narcissist and get rid of the 'holier-than-thou' attitude and stoop down to everyone's level.

There should be a long pause here where I think about it.

Done thinking about it. That was the single most hilarious and absurd thing I've ever thought of in my whole entire life which resulted in me smirking. Me? Being like others? Heh.

Ergo, you others shall appreciate me for all the hard work I am doing and not only view me as jerk. Geez. Some people are just so insensitive.

I'm done.

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