Why do people lie? Lying is fun. Lying is easy. Lying saves you. There are two kinds of lie. The good lie and the bad lie. I always tell a good lie. For me. For others. Everybody has surely lied. More than once. I have been lied to and I have damn surely lied. But now I'm awesome and I can tell if somebody's lying or not.
People lie for many reasons. Really, it can be summed up in two general categories: self preservation and position enhancement. In the former, you lie to avoid negative consequences; in the latter, you lie to gain positive consequences. Why do we lie for these things instead of using other methods? Easy: it works.
I lie to my parents. To my friends. To strangers. My life is full with lies. Simply because I want people to believe me. After all, the best part of believe is the lie. Some people wont lie though. That's just stupid. If you know you're in trouble and lying is the only way to make everything better. Then just lie. Lying is not actually wrong. Scenario 1: My friend spreads a rumour about another friend's something something. I lie and say he didn't. Friend still friends with friend and me. Friend and I think other friend is dumb. Now here comes the twist. Other friend deserved it. Scenario 2: You come home late. You say you had important stuff to do. Your parents aren't worried or mad or sad. You wont get punishment. Win and win. Case over. Unless you're dumb that is. In which you prefer punishment. Scenario 3: A killer has been sent to kill you. The killer finds you and ready to kill you. You say to the killer that you're not the person that the killer is looking for and proceed to give a random address. Random guy/girl gets killed. You, safe. Unless the killer is just bloody cruel and still kills you. That would suck. But the probability of being safe was still there right? Right.
To be a good liar though. You have to be smart. You have to be quick and you have to stay calm and have fun while you're at it. For example, your girlfriend (who is in fact cheating on you by the way) thinks that you're cheating on her (which is true). You lie and just deny the fact about it. In this case everyone would be happy with you and her both having an affair while still having a partner. No situation is better than that.
Now how can you tell if somebody is lying? I wont tell you. Or was I just lying and I'm not sure myself? Maybe. Maybe not. Lovely isn't it?
Yeah. I lie. A lot. Maybe even right now. Maybe everything I was saying were lies. Yes I am lying. Or am I? Again, lovely, beautiful. Makes me feel so damn good.
I'm done.
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