Rants starts here:
If a picture is worth a thousand words. Thousands of them equals millions. Plainspoken, no one reads that much. Am I right? Of course. At least have the decency in you to put meaningful pictures. The sight of your face, with an idiot just like you by your side, in different angles are not meaningful. No. Camwhoring, as it is coined nowadays, is a plague. A word that has 'whore' in it is always a bad thing.
"But it's for keepsakes and memories. I want to remember the day I did nothing significant to this world." It's no objet d'art. Not worth it. Illusions of grandeur anyways. Nothing lasts long enough. Take of your rose-coloured glass now.
Felt an iota of "why aren't you dead?" emotion. Impertinent to prior harangue. Credits to dreaded greetings after limning and delineating of a padlock. Are you not the one expecting papers of certification and a picture of me in robe and grotesque hat accepting said papers? Die already. Everything is wrong to you. I might as well just make everything wrong.
End rant.
I now have a reason to live. Or die. Same thing. Perfection in the form of a human. A female, to be precise. No, not a *gag* girlfriend. You wouldn't understand.
"Mom, I kind of got married and forgot to tell you. Oh, I think she's pregnant." - A hilarious thought that I am so tempted to actualize. Looks involving widened eyes, raised brow, gaped mouth, stuttering utterance and repetition of "What?", is always priceless. Count me in.
I'm done.
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