Monday, April 18, 2011

Literally Figuratively

"Why did the chicken cross the road?"

That is a simple question with various answers. Some hilarious, some ridiculous. This is a question that almost everyone has been asked as a sort of riddle. How is it a riddle when it's absolutely blunt and straightforward? Riddles are usually puzzling. This is not.

Then the answer; "To get to the other side."

The first time you heard the answer you were left with a dumbfounded look. Thinking there was going to be a gut-busting punchline. As a result, many thought the joke is there is no joke. When you realize that, you are able to laugh at the swerve it gave your brain. So there, riddle solved. It was just meant for a joke.

Or is it?

How about if I tell you the chicken knew what it was doing. It wants to cross. Does that change anything? To get to the bottom of this, you have to understand the chicken. An animal strongest instinct is to survive. But this chicken went against it. Against nature. It developed volition. It wants to cross.

So it did.

The first thing that you are thinking, the first picture you see in your head, is a normal road with a chicken on one side. Thus it's pretty apparent to imagine it on the other side. You can even play the motion of it performing the action of using its legs and walking across, with added flaps of its wings and clucking and bobbing of the head if you get creative. All in your head.

However, by that you overlooked.

Animals have an uncanny ability to detect danger better than human beings because it is essential for survival, as mentioned prior. While we on the other hand, act with calculated thoughts, or lack thereof. So it would not cause an uproar if you do what the chicken did.

Here comes the brilliant twist.

A car just flashed by. The chicken is now dead. Did it get to the other side?

I'm done.

*Best read with Inception soundtrack

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