10 Awesome facts spawned from boredom.
#1 I'm Awesome.
#2 I have Perfection.
#3 I have an Awesome Mom.
#4 I finished a game of Solitaire in 36 seconds.
#5 I don't sleep on Saturdays.
#6 I'm always right.
#7 I'm smarter than everyone.
#8 If you're smarter than me it means you have an unfair advantage or you cheated.
#9 I'm stronger than everyone.
#10 If you're stronger than me it means you have an unfair advantage or you cheated.
#11 I can make more than 10 facts in a list of 10 Awesome facts.
#12 My tear cures AIDS and cancer. Unfortunately I never cry.
#13 When I do push-ups, I don't push myself up, I push the world down.
#14 I held off 20 men surrounding me. There were more, but only 20 came close enough.
#15 I almost killed a guy but then decided to torment him with the fact that I almost killed him.
#16 I can stand on one hand.
#18 I can stand with no hands.
#19 I can speak in any language that I want.
#20 I have the prettiest eyes.
#21 I can never be fat.
#23 I have an Oscar.
#25 I can answer anything you ask.
#26 I can run and never stop. Ever.
#28 I skipped 27.
#29 I had no emotions before 6th of September 2008.
#30 I removed a pimple by glaring at it.
#32 I can do the Kirby.
#33 I can sleep with my eyes open.
#34 I saw the twist coming.
#35 I made-up one fact.
#36 I'm the only one in the world that has my name.
#37 I never lie.
#39 I can stop smoking anytime.
#40 I froze time.
#41 I can play any instruments. Any.
#42 I have a scar under my left eye that is actually a Certification of Awesomeness from God.
#44 I know you're reading this.
#45 I can stop this list right here.
#46 I can continue the list from here.
#47 I lived in KJ.
#48 I mind-fucked a mind-fucker.
#50 I am better looking than anyone.
#51 If you're better looking than me it means you have an unfair advantage or you cheated.
#52 I met Patrick Star.
#53 I am Legendary.
#54 The next fact is true.
#55 The previous fact is false.
#56 I can cook anything.
#57 There is no fact #57.
I'm done.
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