Sunday, August 3, 2008

Worse Than AIDS

Someone would rather die than be diagnosed with STD.

There are two kinds of diseases. One that kills. That's the better one. And the other doesn't. But you're better off dead. Need I say more?

A new kind of disease has been discovered. More of a plague I'd say. It's spreading rapidly. Not many even know that it exists. And the ones affected, don't even know that they have it. It doesn't even have an official name. It is able to evolve to a stronger form without warning. Only 2% of the human population is immune to it. The end of the world is near as we know it.

Lack of exposure to The Awesome. The known source for this nefarious pestilence. Though we, the unaffected, don't know why, where, how, it permeates into those unfortunate victims. If you are reading this though, there's a high probability that you are not infected.

Kids. The most vulnerable. Young and clueless. Dumb is more like it. Without proper guidance they would easily be afflicted. Blogs, gigs, concerts, clubs, parties, if you see any kid in it, they're one of them. Goths, punks, rempits, and anything analogous is also a symptom. Even cheerleaders.

Yes, cheerleaders. One of the newly discovered calamity. Those fake smiles are ugly. The over emotionality is just preposterous. And it was still tolerable when only le femmes do it. But now, guys too? It breaks my heartless heart. And that is quite a noteworthy feat.

October this year, I foresee The Disease (fancy names are belligerent) will gain new strength. KAMI the Movie would be the Unholy Provenance. Oh the downfall, the chaos, the horror. Am not vacillant to kill.

We Awesomes are vastly outnumbered. We are their hope.

I am The Cure.

I'm done.

(tl;dr version: People doing things to look cool= I hate)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You sir, are a messiah. Lets cleanse this world from this blasphemy.