I find it funny, that I'm one of the few that does so. But it would all be for nothing. I wish I can implement that thought, the fact that it would not be worth it. This is life. It's rare for humans to see the significance of existence. To appreciate someone, just for being born.
We have no Moses, Jesus, and Muhammad for our time. The tears you see at funerals, accidents, disasters, are just for the moment. My tears will run dry too, but my heart will ache till it stops beating. But that's just me.
Yes I am too nice for my own good. The amount of people I'd jump a bullet for is illogical. Nobody can take that much. But I'll do it because I see life as something money can't buy, but you don't have to. It's there, so I hold on to it dearly. The problem is, I hold on to other's first. Tonight I've learned that only when you treasure something for what it's worth, it would lose its value.
I have tried to not care. I have turned my back. I have walked away. Only for me to recoil, revert and relapse. I can't decide if this is a curse, or a gift. Either way, I am fucked. I have to learn to enjoy the fucking then.
But God is fair, God is just. So naturally, there would be a saving grace despite all of this. His name is Khairul Azim. For now. For now.
There is a doubt now. No matter who you are to me. Because if you are going to fuck me over, make it quick, make it painless. Fuck, make it enjoyable. I bear no grudge, just disappointment.
I'm done.
*0 people gave a shit. 195 people didn't know the title is the name of the band that sang F.R.I.E.N.D.S. theme song.